Saturday, April 11, 2009

Rot or Die

The article I found for this week, entitled Rot or Die: Iraqi refugees in Lebanon tells a tragic story of Iraqi immigrants that are considered illegal in Lebanon because the country does not adhere to international refugee laws and are thus imprisoned. This situation has layers of immigrant abuse, denial of international aid required for asylum seekers, unlawful imprisonment and general disrespect for these immigrants' rights as human beings. This precarious situation is summed up: "by first arresting and detaining Iraqi asylum seekers who do not have valid visas, and then giving those in detention a “choice” between returning to Iraq or indefinite detention, Lebanon in practice commits refoulement—and thereby violates international law."

The questions that arise in this situation, especially as the US is withdrawing from Iraq in the next few years is, who will take care of these people? Who is responsible for these immigrants and refugees? Is it neighboring countries, the international community, the US itself? These are questions that need to be addressed and quickly especially in light of these immigrants escaping one human rights abuse and falling victim to another.