Sunday, March 8, 2009


I think addressing the children of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is especially important in looking at the intensity and friction of the occupation. Children have come up again and again in discussions like when the IDF shows up, the kids are first to throw rocks or in the Promises movie we experienced deep hatred for the opposing side in a couple of the interviewed kids. Also there were brutal attacks last semester in an Israeli school and the back and forth going eye for eye in the killing of children  If they are the future, their attitudes and paradigms will carry over - as of now children seem like the only beacon of light but they are targeted more in this conflict than any other I have heard of. I found this story about the Children of Gaza - an interesting part is this story is the fact that about half of the population (half of 1.5 milllion people) in Gaza and are carry the large brunt of the suffering. 
I also found an article about a month ago in Al-Jazeera about attacks on Children which is the story underneath the first one I posted. 


  1. article 1:


  2. I think that considering the children in the conflict is especially important. There are plenty of articles that feature children and there terrible stories of being raised in the conflict. Thinking about what it would be like to live in Gaza right now is surreal. Ravaged with poverty, stuck from going anywhere, unable to find a job,unable to go anywhere, and under bombardment from the IDF. Its hard to imagine what this would be like, and it would be interesting to study the psychological development of these children. Its also interesting to consider the psychological development of Teenagers going into the IDF. To be in the army you haave to believe in your cause, how does Israel raise their children to want to be in the army. I suppose some dont want to but, overall the army is not popular but Israelis want to join.

  3. I think the most recent articles for class, focusing on the construction of memory, are interesting in connection with the development of children, especially Palestinians. Not only are many Palestinian children hearing the stories from their parents about lost homes and villages, but they are living in fear and danger. I too would be interested to learn about their psychological development since they are essentially growing up in a war zone. Though I think many Americans are shocked to see children being violent or expressing hatred towards Israelis, for example, it's a different kind of world. Americans don't have to grow up in a war zone where there is a constant threat.
    I think what Joe said about the Israeli side of this is interesting as well. I wish I knew more about what actually happens in the army, what each section is exposed to and how much violence is actually witnessed/committed.
