Monday, March 9, 2009

Hebrew anyone?

Here is a link to an article in Hebrew where I found an eye-catching cartoon of Obama painting the white house black. From just the cartoon and a blog I saw written about this, it seems to me as an incredibly racist cartoon. I think that race is a testy issue in the Israel as it clearly has an effect on the relations between the Ashkenazi Jews and the Mizrahi Jews and the Palestinians.

I don't feel right speculating about this cartoon before I know what the hebrew says that is written around it. Can someone help me out?

ימים של קלות דעת צורמת בסיקור"


  1. Through further research (and knowing that no body in our blog speaks Hebrew, I found a bit out about this newspaper. This cartoon was published in the Maariv daily newspaper of Israel. It is considered a newspaper with "editorial opinions [that] are considered 'middle of the road'".

    I found the cartoon on a blog that discusses the global affairs analyst, Leon Hadar's view on the publication of the cartoon. He claims in his blog that the cartoon is "reflecting the growing 'concerns' over whether his candidacy 'is good for the Jews.'"

    Does anyone have any insight about what the current general feelings about Obama is in Isreal? This cartoon was published in Fall of 2008.

  2. HI, I'm going to go over to the library and get a Hebrew dictionary to be sure, but I think the article is talking about the manner in which the religious of Israel are discussing Obama and how racially based the discussion is. Clinton was by far more popular amongst Israelis than Obama because her husband was practically sainted (if the Jews did such things) during his administration. I'll get back to you on a full translation hopefully later today.

  3. Just going off that when I spoke to a lot of Israelis about their opinion of Obama I recieved a mixed review. A lot of them were fearfull of him because he expressed sentiments of speaking more closly with arab countries and possible Islamic "terrorist" organizations. This caused them to be wary to support him, but some remained hopefull and were glad Bush was out of office.
