Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Palestinian poster

Posted on a self-proclaimed peace-maker's blog.  He lives in Jerusalem.


  1. The sign is a little confusing to me because its meaning is unclear. Is the demonstrator saying that the current state of Gaza/the West Bank justifies the launching of one rocket? Or is he saying that he is being blamed for the entire conflict, for firing a rocket? or what? I don't know, maybe if someone gives me their take on the image it would be made more clear. Thanks.

  2. I think the protester is trying to show that in a larger perspective of the conflict, Palestinians are being blamed. He is demonstrating the actions that Israel has made against him, but he is showing that he is seen as the enemy because he retaliated. It's to try to demonstrate the scope of the infractions that Israel has made against Palestinians on a personal level, and that there is no balance to the Palestinians' reactions; however, they are the ones who are condemned.
