Thursday, April 16, 2009

Afghan Refugees

This video I found is from Al-Jazeera and is a look into the tragic conditions of Afghanis who have been internally displaced from their villages and have set up refugee camps in the capital Kabul. This clip includes shocking statistics such as: “for every 1,000 Afghan children born, 165 die within a year - and a quarter of all Afghan children die before their fifth birthday.” The reporter admits that despite international aid, these people live in destitute situations, but more upsetting this is not a unique camp. These people are just an example of the larger influx of refugees; they are invisible to the government and overshadowed by the construction and desire to rebuild the city. Afghanistan’s recovering economy cannot help these displaced people and international aid is not enough.

Watch CBS Videos Online

The second video is a different perspective on Afghan refugees who have returned home through the eyes of Khaled Hosseini, the author of The Kite Runner. The clip provides a bit more background on these returning Afghans, who led relatively safe lives as refugees in other countries and are returning to much worse conditions. It offers a more hopeful message of the work of the international community and citing its importance in a country that is not ready to receive returning refuges.


  1. Although the 2nd video wouldn't play for me, I think it would be interesting to consider the different portrayals of refugee life in Afghanistan. CBS vs. Al-Jazeera. From what I have learned, it sometimes seems that Al-Jazeera gives the more accurate, cold-hard truth, whereas CBS probably has some interest in altering the presentation of the subject. Nevertheless, the fact that the Al-Jazeera report is plausible is terrible. Again, I come to the question of the role of U.S. aid and the responsibility we hold to these refugees.

  2. I'm sorry if the embedding didn't work! Here's a more permanent link:
