Sunday, April 26, 2009

Iranian Jews Refuse To Immigrate

Iran's Jews reject cash offer to move to Israel:

This guardian article explains that Israel's monetary incentive was not accepted by Iranian Jews as they refused the offer to be paid to move to Israel.

I found this incredibly interesting that Israel was offering money (up to 30,000 pounds for families) to try to get Persian Jews to move to Israel. This is an example of the extreme moves that are pulled by governments to make political statements by forcing migrations.

My immediate interpretation was that Israel's motives would be to get Iranian Jews to leave Iran as a testament against Iran's extremely anti-Israeli government. But, I am now wondering if the refusal of this offer from the Persian Jewish community reflects that this anti-Israeli (or not anti, but not pro) sentiment is taken in by the Persian jews, or if they are just refusing to give up their land and national identity. Any thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I also found this very interesting. I immediatly looked up whether Jews had emigrated to Iran or had lived there for thousands of years. I found that Judaism is one of the oldest religions within Persia, and I thought that this must be th reason behind wanting to stay. Many Jews within Iran feel these monatery incentives are political tricks to start trouble within Iran and this is why they refuse them. Some Persian Jews have moved but reports say it is for economic reasons not for feelings of religious intolerence.
