Monday, April 20, 2009

Form of Rape Legalised in Afghanistan

President Karzai recently made the rape of Shi'ite women by their husbands legal. Here is a news source-

I know we are supposed to talk about movement of people - how is our cultural influence by American presence be also an influence on this issue? As occupiers, how do we deal with issues like this where we strongly oppose the politics? To me this issue highlights the clash of cultures especially when one is a dominant force and presence. USA has been fighting for Afghani women's rights especially for the schooling of women. What should be done in this situation? Is it fair that we are imposing our cultural norms on Afghanis when our reasoning isn't the same as the explanation for our presence?? 


  1. In searching on Human Rights Watch I found an article on the deep problem that Brennan is addressing in his article. This is a huge step backwards for Afgani women for a slight political move by president Karzai.

    here is the link:

  2. there is an in depth discussion of this on blog 1.
