Sunday, April 12, 2009

Would You Return?

With our migration theme now focusing on Iraq, I have found several articles from throughout the last year or so discussing displaced Iraqis and the prospect of returning to their homes. This article from Reuters, written by Refugees International entitled "Would You Return?" discussed the question; Can they return home? And if not, what would it take for them to return to their cities, neighborhoods and houses? The answers to these questions reflect the still very high number of violent incidents in the country and that these displaced peoples don't necessarily want to return to the place where they saw members of their families murdered. It is difficult to understand people's emotions after their lives have been so drastically impacted, but it seems like the desire of displaced Iraqis to return to the lives they had prior to the U.S. invasion is not universal. Restoring the lives of these people is often not even a possibility, one Shia woman's home was demolished by a Sunni militia with the intent of making it clear that she and her family/old community are not welcome. I don't know where to begin in my attempt to understand such a terrible situation for so many people, does anyone have any thoughts about what the responsibility of the United States is in this dilemma? Has the military already messed up enough, or should they continue to help people return to their old lives?

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